Training at the EMDE Group

Our training program at Emde Automation is based on professional and personal support.

This year, we are once again offering young people with an interest in technology and a talent for craftsmanship the chance of practical, in-depth vocational training that serves as a solid foundation for a successful professional life. During the vocational training, we also offer factory training with exam preparation.

The aim is always to be hired after successful completion of the training.

Fünf junge Menschen im Austausch vor einem FlipchartFünf junge Menschen im Austausch vor einem Flipchart

We take care of you

  • Take over communication between trainees, parents, vocational schools (BBS) and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (IHK)
  • Factory lessons to deepen the school subject matter
  • Courses for exam preparation in the IHK – or Industrial Training Workshop (ILW) in Koblenz
  • Rotation principle for trainees in the company
  • Flexible or individual training process
  • Compact application procedure / full information / quick decision
Logo IHK Beste Azubis 2024 - Auszeichnung der EMDE AusbildungLogo IHK Beste Azubis 2024 - Auszeichnung der EMDE Ausbildung

IHK Best Trainee Award

The IHK Best Trainee Award stands out trainees with particularly outstanding achievements. We are delighted to be taking part again in 2024. Our aim is to prepare trainees for their professional future in the best possible, practice-oriented and professional way.

That is what your future colleagues say

Marco Groß
Mette Wilhelm
Nadine Bröse
Steven Schütz

„I really enjoy my training as an industrial mechanic at EMDE, as it is very extensive and varied. I’m excited to see what’s to come…“

Auszubildender Marco Groß in einer Werkstatt

“My training in marketing communications enables me to combine creativity with organization and design.

There are new tasks and challenges every day in the EMDE Group and if you get stuck, you get direct help. Even on the first day, I was allowed to do tasks independently and the programs were explained to me. I feel supported here when developing ideas.”

Auszubildende Mette Wilhelm mit einem Farbtonfächer

“I wasn’t very happy with my initial career training. But I really like the training as an industrial clerk at EMDE. I would really like to stay with EMDE.”

Auszubildende Nadine Bröse im Büro

“After graduating from high school, I started off started studying mechanical engineering. However, I then decided to pause this and start a training course as a technical product designer at EMDE. I am currently working in the training workshop and am learning the basics of metalworking here.”

Auszubildender Steven Schütz neben einer Tischbohrmaschine

We put great value on these

  • Openness
  • Passion (for what we do)
  • Respect
  • Innovation
  • Teamwork
  • Responsibility
  • Customer focus
  • Sustainability
  • Appreciation

Your contact person